Cemetery Number | WK018 |
Town | WARWICK |
Cemetery Name | WESTCOTT-BROWN LOT |
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Location | OLD EAST AVE |
State | RI |
Direction | S |
Pole Number | 0356 |
Distance | 50 |
Map Number | |
Page Number | 257 |
Plat Number | 171 |
Deed Book | |
Deed Page | |
Size in Feet | 30 |
Size in Feet | 50 |
Inscriptions | 13 |
Fieldstones | |
Tombs | |
Exist? | YES |
Last seen date? | 2013 |
Newest | 1917 |
Oldest | 1863 |
Vandalism | N |
Veteran | 0 |
Pole | G |
Comment | This lot is located 50 ft south of Old East Avenue at telephone pole #356, just west of Quinlan Court and 30 ft east of WK019. It is 30 ft x 50 ft, in good condition, enclosed with concrete posts and iron rails. The cemetery sign is in good condition. It contains 12 burials, 11 marked with marble stones. It is on the tax assessor’s map, Plat #257, Lot #171.
James Arnold recorded this lot 18 Sep. 1893 and noted, “In open lot near Westcott’s corner, not protected, neglected” (Vol. 2, p. 463). Charles and Martha Benns recorded this lot in 1937, their #782.
Recorded by John Sterling for a book on Warwick cemeteries. |
Condition | good |
Enclosure | granite posts/iron rails |
Gate | no gate |
Growth | cleared |
Terrain | level |
Cemetery Location |
Cemetery Burial Map |