Photo/Image Courtesy of Rhode Island Historic Cemetery Volunteers

Cemetery NumberPV003
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Pole Number117
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Last seen date?2013
CommentSWAN POINT CEMETERY was established in 1846 on a 60-acre tract of land bordering the Neck Road, so-called, and extending easterly to the shore of the Seekonk River. A Charter was granted in the following year to the Swan Point Cemetery Company, a stock company under management of a board of trustees. A reorganization was effected in 1858 under a new charter, creating a non-profit corporation entitled The Proprietors of Swan Point Cemetery, to which the former company conveyed its real estate and personal property and the owners of capital stock transferred and released their shares in perpetual extinguishment thereof. From time to time the cemetery acquired additional land between the Neck Road and the river, and in 1862 commenced its expansion to the west by the purchase of farms and other properties, which extended the estate, in part, to Hope Street. In the early 1990's Swan Point computerized it's vast interment and cremation records. This index was developed from that database by the 'RI Cemetery Transcription Project'. The index includes 42023 names. There are 14,952 names with death dates before 1900 and 3350 that predate the cemetery. The data is through June of 1993. In 2011 and 2012 Julie Nathanson was granted special permission to photograph the older stones in Swan Point. These have been added to the database and the cemetery record data checked against these photos. 3350 gravestones predate the cemetery [1846]. Julie has photographed over one half of these stones. Many came from the West Burial Ground in Providence. The records of the cemetery are very good but we have made a few corrections from the gravestone photos. We have added [ ] around data like maiden names and death locations that are in the records but that do not show on the gravestone. The cemetery records contain data from death certificates and from family members. We have put quotes " " around data in the comment field that are on the gravestone. This should help in citation of data. The records are excellent. They include the deceased's name, birth date and place, death date and place, spouse's name, parent's names and cause of death. Some names do not include all of this information. Many graves were moved from other locations and that information is in the database. The index does show maiden name data for some women, but use this data with caution. People in the database are not identified by sex, so it is impossible for the computer to identify women. The logic used to extract maiden name is: If a person has the same last name as the spouse and a different last name from the father she is assumed to be a woman and her father's last name is used as her maiden name. This is not always true, so the database should be consulted to get the actual data. The number following each name is the section and map number. The section number is actually the Swan Point 'group #' plus the first character of the 'north' field. The map number is the interment number unless it has a 'C' prefix, then it is a cremation number. A special thanks to Martin E. Dugan Jr, Executive Vice President of Swan Point Cemetery who made the computerized records available to the RI Cemetery Transcription Project and to Alan D. Olinsky who developed the computer system used as Swan Point, who copied the database in a format we could use.
Enclosurestone wall
Gateiron gate
Growthgrass-well kept
Terrainhilly moderate
Cemetery Location
Cemetery Burial Map N/A