Cemetery Number | NT026 |
Town | NEWPORT |
Cemetery Name | GARDE LOT |
Find A Grave (Opens in New Tab) |
Graves List | Display Graves List |
State | RI |
Direction | |
Pole Number | |
Distance | |
Map Number | |
Page Number | |
Plat Number | |
Deed Book | |
Deed Page | |
Size in Feet | |
Size in Feet | |
Inscriptions | 2 |
Fieldstones | |
Tombs | 2 |
Exist? | NO |
Last seen date? | 1800 |
Newest | 1665 |
Oldest | 1660 |
Vandalism | |
Veteran | |
Pole | |
Comment | Writing of the Common Burial Ground, the Hon. Robert Franklin says: "Among
the oldest stones in this cemetery are those placed over the tombs of John
Garde and his wife. They were originally buried on their estate on the west
side of Thames street, near what is now known as Champlin's wharf, but some
time before the year 1800 they were removed to the common burial ground"
("Newport Cemeteries," Special Bulletin of the Newport Historical Society,
#10, Newport, 1913, p.7). It's not clear whether any other people were
buried there, and if so, whether their graves were moved or ever
transcribed. The stones still exist at the Common Burial Ground, although
Mrs. Garde's appears to have been repaired or recast. |
Condition | |
Enclosure | |
Gate | |
Growth | |
Terrain | |
Cemetery Location |
Cemetery Burial Map |