Cemetery Number | CY003 |
Cemetery Name | MAJ SAMUEL PECK LOT |
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Location | BARBS HILL ROAD |
State | RI |
Direction | SW |
Pole Number | 42 |
Distance | 1000 |
Map Number | 320 |
Page Number | |
Plat Number | 41.2 |
Deed Book | |
Deed Page | |
Size in Feet | 75 |
Size in Feet | 100 |
Inscriptions | 40 |
Fieldstones | 16 |
Tombs | 0 |
Exist? | YES |
Last seen date? | 2013 |
Newest | 1914 |
Oldest | 1803 |
Vandalism | N |
Veteran | 1 |
Pole | G |
Comment | This is located 1000 feet south of Barbs Hill Road at telephone pole #42. It is 75 ft x 100 ft, in fair condition, and enclosed with a stone wall. The historic cemetery sign is in good condition. Enter Pond View farm (205 Barbs Hill Road) at telephone pole #42 and drive 1000 feet to the farm house. The cemetery is 500 feet southeast of the house. Directly south and adjacent to this cemetery is a small lot containing Ned (1932-1945) and March (1930-1945 who each got “over 600 Woodcock.” These are hunting dogs belonging to George Briggs, the previous owner. There are 60 burials with 40 inscribed stones and 16 fieldstones. It is on the tax assessor’s map #320, Lot #41.2.
James N. Arnold visited on August 7, 1905 and noted, “On the Samuel Peck farm near the Vaughn saw mill, Rice City, lot walled; lot and wall in fine order” (Vol. 6, Book B, page 1116).
The fieldstone marked burials for the Pearce family were identified by noting the Robard Perce stone was probably a child of the B. P. and the H. P. marked stones. The will for Benjamin Pearce can be found in Coventry probate book #1, page #463, 23 April 1808. His wife Hannah was appointed administrator and Maj. Samuel Peck & Maj. Samuel Gibbs were accepted as bondsmen. Maj. Samuel Peck is buried in this cemetery. Probate book #2, page #347 is Benjamin Pearce’s will probated in 1808. It mentions three children: Phebe Bly, Henrietta Pearce, and Giles Pearce. Phebe Bly is buried in this cemetery.
Recorded by Dr. Bill Eddleman and John Sterling for a 1998 book |
Condition | fair |
Enclosure | stone wall |
Gate | no gate |
Growth | overgrown-trees |
Terrain | level |
Cemetery Location |
Cemetery Burial Map |