Person Details |
Last Name | TINGLEY |
First Name | BENJAMIN |
Maiden | |
Cemetery Number | CU019 |
Cemetery Name | PECK CEMETERY |
Birth Day | 13 |
Birth Month | APR |
Birth Year | 1741 |
Death Day | 29 |
Death Month | MAY |
Death Year | 1828 |
Gravestone Details |
Section | |
Lot | |
Map | 00208 |
Stone Material | slate |
Condition | good |
Shape | square top |
Carving | |
Legibility | good |
Number of Graves on Stone | 1 |
Stone Height (inches) | 36 |
Stone Width (inches) | 20 |
Exists? | |
Last Seen Date | 1993 |
Carver | |
Notes/Misc Details |
Notes | "A soldier in the Revolutionary War."
[S/O Samuel & Margritt (Short), was born at Attleboro, MA 13 April 1741 ì
and died at Cumberland 29 May 1828 in his 88th year. He married (1)ì
Sibulah C. Fuller, d/o Noah & Marcy (Cushman). Their children were Benjamin, Anne, Mary, Ruphus, Sabrina, Sabula, & Sarah. He married (2) at
Cumberland 10 Nov 1785 Elizabeth (Cole) Philbrook, widow of Elias
Philbrook and d/o John Cole. Benjamin served at Attleboro as a Sergeant ì
in Capt. Jabez Ellis' Company of Minutemen and Militia and marched on th
alarm of April 19, 1775. He also served on the alarm called for the
Battle of Bunker Hill. He served as 2nd Lieut. in Capt. Hide's Company commissioned 21 March 1776. He served as Lieut. in Capt. Stephen ì
Richardson's Company on the march to Rhode Island 21 April to 15 May
1777. He served as Quarter Master in Col. Isaac Dean's Regiment 31 July ì
to 7 Aug 1780 on a march to Tiverton, RI on the alarm of 31 July 1780. H
was a member of the Cumberland Town Council in 1795 and 1796.]--JJR Died: CUMBERLAND, RI
[SAR: 1775-1780 served in Mass. Troops] |
Transcribed By | GGT;BENNS111;EMW;AFGSLJWN |