Cemetery Number | SM063 |
Cemetery Name | EMOR SMITH LOT |
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State | RI |
Direction | S |
Pole Number | 3 |
Distance | 500 |
Map Number | |
Page Number | |
Plat Number | |
Deed Book | |
Deed Page | |
Size in Feet | 75 |
Size in Feet | 75 |
Inscriptions | 5 |
Fieldstones | 45 |
Tombs | 0 |
Exist? | YES |
Last seen date? | 2015 |
Newest | 1821 |
Oldest | 1787 |
Vandalism | Y |
Veteran | 0 |
Pole | M |
Comment | Transcribed by Roger Beaudry March 15, 1997. Lot is located behind a parking lot on Waterman Ave and can be easily seen from the street. Due to chain link fencing around the parking lot, burial ground can only be accessed by entering from Whitman St. Cemetery is made up of two sections. The first section is an area of approximately 40' X 30' and is enclosed by granite posts. This area contains all but one of the engraved stones and about a third of the fieldstones. The remaining engraved stone and fieldstones are located outside this area, and causes the entire burial
ground to cover an area about 75 feet square. Some engraved stones have been shattered and one large stone toppled.
Ethel M White April 18, 1937 described this cemetery as being opposite Esmond Mills on path leading by State Police Barracks.
Charles & Martha Benns transcribed lot (Vol III, page 331) and gave it #373. They descrbe it as:
"Smith Family at Esmond, Smithfield"
Transcribed by James N Arnold August 20, 1919 (Volume 25 pp 29-33). He describes lot as follows:
"On the ____Smith farm opposite the mill at Esmond in open lot, yard fenced with granite posts and iron rails, in good condition. Yard much neglected."
Transcribed by Ron Farrar who described it as:
"Rear of Mine Safety Parking Lot, Esmond" |
Condition | very poor |
Enclosure | granite posts |
Gate | gate missing |
Growth | overgrown-weeds |
Terrain | hilly moderate |
Cemetery Location |
Cemetery Burial Map |