Cemetery Number | SM035 |
Cemetery Name | JOSEPH FARNUM LOT |
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State | RI |
Direction | E |
Pole Number | 2 |
Distance | 5 |
Map Number | |
Page Number | |
Plat Number | |
Deed Book | |
Deed Page | |
Size in Feet | 117 |
Size in Feet | 33 |
Inscriptions | 15 |
Fieldstones | |
Tombs | |
Exist? | YES |
Last seen date? | |
Newest | 1914 |
Oldest | 1814 |
Vandalism | Y |
Veteran | 1 |
Pole | F |
Comment | James N Arnold recorded this lot circa 1919, and listed it in his work, Volume 25, pages 71-73. He describes lot as:
"At Georgiaville opposite the mill, south side and same side of road. Lot well walled on one side and picket fenced on the other three sides. All in good order."
Ethel M White recorded this lot in 1937 and recorded it as:
"Farnum Cemetery, Georgiaville, RI, not far from railroad track and macaroni mill."
Recorded by Charles & Martha Benns between 1931-1935. It is recorded in Vol III, page 331 of their work. It was given the number of #374. They described it as "In Georgiaville, Smithfield"
Transcribed by Ron Farrar who described it as follows:
"Georgiaville, between Homestead & Higgins"
Transcribed by Roger Beaudry November 30, 1996. Lot is in poor condition but there are signs that someone recently had righted some of the stones. Lot is surrounded on one side by a stone wall and on the other three with an ornate metal fence, some sections of which are missing. |
Condition | poor |
Enclosure | metal fence |
Gate | gate missing |
Growth | overgrown-weeds |
Terrain | level |
Cemetery Location |
Cemetery Burial Map |