Cemetery Number | SM026 |
Cemetery Name | SILAS SMITH LOT |
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Location | GLENNA ROAD |
State | RI |
Direction | S |
Pole Number | 5 |
Distance | 150 |
Map Number | |
Page Number | |
Plat Number | |
Deed Book | |
Deed Page | |
Size in Feet | 56 |
Size in Feet | 56 |
Inscriptions | 5 |
Fieldstones | |
Tombs | |
Exist? | YES |
Last seen date? | 2013 |
Newest | 1870 |
Oldest | 1853 |
Vandalism | N |
Veteran | |
Pole | M |
Comment | James N Arnold recorded this cemetery circa 1919, and recorded it in his work in Volume 25, pages 340-341. He described lot as:
"On the next farm north from the Col Winsor Farnum farm, back from the road, burial yard fenced by granite posts and iron rails, in poor order, lot overgrown with brush."
Recorded by Charles & Martha Benns between 1931-1935. It is recorded in their work, Volume II, page 201, and was given the number of 187. They described lot as: "In Smithfield at Georgiaville"
Transcribed by Ron Farrar who described lot as: "Across from Fred Andrews near 295"
Transcribed by Roger Beaudry March 15, 1997. Formerly this cemetery was recorded as being on Farnum Pike. Development in the area has made this lot more accessable from Glenna Road. It is located behind a home at 12 Glenna Road. All stones are down, but it appears as though this was intentional rather then by nature or vandalism. Lot is quite large to contain only 5 stones. |
Condition | good |
Enclosure | granite posts/iron rails |
Gate | gate missing |
Growth | grass-well kept |
Terrain | level |
Cemetery Location |
Cemetery Burial Map |