Comment | This cemetery has not been found
Date of Arnold’s visit: Oct. 5, 1880 His number: #122
Arnold’s comments: “on the same gentleman’s farm [Horace May] few rods north of his house a burial yard of the Gavitt family unprotected.”
Our comments: Arnold found this burial ground between SK 86 and SK 34 on South Road and Curtis Corner Road respectively. The 1890 Evert and Richards map shows an H. N. May south of Rockwood Lane, probably at the end of the road. The cemetery should be within 150 feet southeast of SK 34, but it was not found there in 2002. Formerly known as SK 520.
Daniel Stedman provides dates for some of the people buried in this lot. He wrote on Mar. 20, 1839 “Died 20 Wife of Mr. Timothy Carpenter at Wakefield, Buried at Perry Gavit’s” and later reported the death of Timothy Carpenter, “an aged man,” at Perry Gavit’s on Jan. 27, 1851, though he does not mention where he was buried. The Carpenters may have been the parents of Perry Gavitt’s wife. Stedman also noted: “Buried 23rd [May 1850] Timothy Gavit Son of Mr. Perry Gavit, he had been insane for a Considerable time caused by Millerism [a religious movement predicting the end of the world].” He reported another, otherwise undocumented, burial in this lot in August of 1838: “Died at the South Ferry Mr. Miner Chappell a man about 70 years old (Suddenly). 17th – Arnold Chappell and wife Came here to the Funeral of his Father and Staid 2 Nights. He was buried at Perry Gavit’s, funeral at the meeting house, Sermon by young Mr. Read.” |