Cemetery Number | SK019 |
Cemetery Name | JOHN TEFFT LOT |
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State | RI |
Direction | N |
Pole Number | |
Distance | 200 |
Map Number | |
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Plat Number | |
Deed Book | |
Deed Page | |
Size in Feet | 30 |
Size in Feet | 30 |
Inscriptions | 6 |
Fieldstones | 56 |
Tombs | |
Exist? | YES |
Last seen date? | 2003 |
Newest | 1852 |
Oldest | 1823 |
Vandalism | |
Veteran | |
Pole | |
Comment | This cemetery is west of Heritage Drive behind #100. It has a right of way from Enterprise Terrace beside the house at #121. Ken Plymesser, the current owner of #100 Heritage Drive, told us this property was the old Watson-Green farm of about three hundred acres, now all subdivided into house lots. This cemetery is 50 feet x 24 feet, unprotected, in fair condition, contains 62 burials with six inscribed stones and 56 fieldstones. This historical cemetery sign is in good condition.
James N. Arnold recorded this lot Mar. 25, 1880, his #17, “Tefft Burial yard, on land of Mercy Tefft a short distance southwest from house we find this yard entirely unprotected in which we find 32 full and 24 small graves with rude stones only. In this yard was buried the first John Tefft who settled this tract of land.” The next lot Arnold recorded, his #18 on the same farm was another lot “supposed to be those of slaves .... which have been plowed up.”
Recorded by John Sterling and James Wheaton for a 2004 book on South Kingstown cemeteries. |
Condition | |
Enclosure | no enclosure |
Gate | |
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Cemetery Location |
Cemetery Burial Map |