Cemetery Number | NS039 |
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State | RI |
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Exist? | NO |
Last seen date? | 1958 |
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Comment | The remains of 22 skulls and bones were removed from the present day site
of the Super Stop & Shop at Park Sq on the N. Smithfield/Woonsocket line on
12 August, 1958 and reinterred in Union Cemetery. A photo appeared in the
Woonsocket Call of August 4, 1958 with the following caption:
"CHECKING 200 YR OLD TOMBSTONES. S Burton Mowry, superintendent of Union Cemetery, checking headstones of Aldrich Family Cemetery in North Smithfield where skeletal remains, some 230 years old, are being removed to
make way for North Smithfield Shopping Center in area behind Park Square Diner. Remains will be buried in Union Cemetery."
The remains were all buried in a common grave at Union Cemetery,
and no stones appear to have been moved, the fate of the stones in photo
are unknown.
Arnold's records Volume 25, page 438 lists this cemetery as being
in Smithfield. The data, collected by Mrs Emma B Shaw date unknown, lists
6 stones, and is described as follows.
"This cemtery, as one turns going north from Louisquisset Pike to go
to Union Village, is off on the left on a knoll. There is a tall tree
standing alone and under this tree are the following stones, also many not
Aldrich, Simeon 1726-7 aged 21 years
Aldrich, Levi 1726-7 aged 19 years
Aldrich, Walter S. son of
Andrew J & A----- d. Sept 2, 1837 7m 20d
Aldrich, Reuben 1726-7 aged 23 years
Aldrich, Hannah 1732 aged 7 years (?)
Aldrich, Lydia aged 2 years
In the 1958 photograph in the Woonsocket Call, one of the stones pictured
is that of Hannah Aldrich. This leaves little doubt that the cemetery
described by Shaw and the one at Park Square are one in the same. |
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Cemetery Location |
Cemetery Burial Map |