Cemetery Number | NK306 |
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Location | POTTER RD |
State | RI |
Direction | NE |
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Distance | 980 |
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Inscriptions | 10 |
Fieldstones | 31 |
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Comment | Arnold recorded it March 30, 1883, his #145, "lot in good order, protected by fence only," it was seen and written about by Arnold in the Narragansett Historical Register, it is mentioned in the Aylesworth genealogy, and by Mrs. Dana Lawrence. It was situated west of the old house, which was 1/4 mi. north of the new house. It was at 494 Potter Rd. Three gravestones were removed to Quidnessett Cemetery.
Lot not found in 1990. David Aylesworth, a descendant, did an extensive search for this cemetery in 2010-2013 including ground penetrating radar. James Turenne, at the Dept of Agriculture in RI did the GPR and offer the following: "GPR data shows numerous high amplitude anomalies (re areas) on the time slices difficult to determine what they are without more info on site (soil types if outwash and not till higher probability of burials) just took a quick look at the images, looks like an area worth further investigating by archaeologists in my opinion!"
Best information places the cemetery near 41deg. 37' 15.58" N x 71deg. 26' 27.56" W |
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Cemetery Burial Map |