Cemetery Number | NK092 |
Cemetery Name | ISAAC SPINK LOT |
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State | RI |
Direction | NW |
Pole Number | 89 |
Distance | 700 |
Map Number | |
Page Number | 10 |
Plat Number | |
Deed Book | |
Deed Page | |
Size in Feet | 50 |
Size in Feet | 40 |
Inscriptions | 16 |
Fieldstones | 2 |
Tombs | |
Exist? | YES |
Last seen date? | 2013 |
Newest | |
Oldest | |
Vandalism | |
Veteran | 2 |
Pole | |
Comment | Shermantown Rd, behind #1325 a large old white farm house. Plot is about 650' from the road in the northwest corner of mowed fields which are divided by beautifully maintained stone walls. The graveyard is well cared for, all stones standing, and protected by stone walls on two sides, a wrought iron fence on others.
Arnold, who recorded this yard March 18, 1880, his #16, "on land of Sanford Spink north west from his house in corner of lot partly protected is a family yard of his family," he adds this note " A grave on the north side of this lot, rude stone with rude tablet being that of George Sherman whose parents after his death removed to the west." Still present in 1989.
Recorded by Althea McAleer, Beatrix Hoffius, and Deby Nunes for a 1992 book on North Kingstown cemeteries. |
Condition | very poor |
Enclosure | stone wall |
Gate | iron gate |
Growth | overgrown-weeds |
Terrain | level |
Cemetery Location |
Cemetery Burial Map |