Cemetery Number | NK087 |
Cemetery Name | JAMES SHERMAN LOT |
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State | RI |
Direction | SE |
Pole Number | 83 |
Distance | 450 |
Map Number | |
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Plat Number | |
Deed Book | |
Deed Page | |
Size in Feet | 45 |
Size in Feet | 50 |
Inscriptions | 11 |
Fieldstones | 7 |
Tombs | |
Exist? | YES |
Last seen date? | 2013 |
Newest | |
Oldest | |
Vandalism | |
Veteran | 1 |
Pole | |
Comment | On Shermantown Rd, in woods behind pole 83. It is across Shermantown Road from Candy Apple Lane. A dirt road to left of pole leads to gravel pit. About 2/3 distance from Shermantown Rd to pit enter woods on right, cross stone wall about 25' in, walk about 300'. Lot is not enclosed, lies on a knoll; takes a search to find. Trees, brush, etc. have covered and displaced some stones. No evident vandalism.
Arnold recorded this yard on 18 March 1880, his #13, "on the land of James Sherman, east of his house, and east of brook on a knoll is a burial yard of his family."
Recorded by Althea McAleer, Beatrix Hoffius, and Deby Nunes for a 1992 book on North Kingstown cemeteries. |
Condition | poor |
Enclosure | no enclosure |
Gate | |
Growth | |
Terrain | hilly moderate |
Cemetery Location |
Cemetery Burial Map |