Cemetery Number | NK076 |
Cemetery Name | REYNOLDS LOT |
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Location | PAULA DRIVE |
State | RI |
Direction | |
Pole Number | 3 |
Distance | 125 |
Map Number | |
Page Number | |
Plat Number | |
Deed Book | |
Deed Page | |
Size in Feet | 40 |
Size in Feet | 50 |
Inscriptions | 0 |
Fieldstones | 15 |
Tombs | |
Exist? | YES |
Last seen date? | 2013 |
Newest | |
Oldest | |
Vandalism | |
Veteran | 0 |
Pole | |
Comment | On Paula Drive in rear of #31. It is in front of pole #3. It lies on the side of a slope; remains of a wire fence that once enclosed it present. It is possible that this ancient Reynolds lot which contains only fieldstone graves sunken deeply into the earth could be that of the James Reynolds family. James Reynolds, son of James and Deborah Reynolds, and grandson of William Reynold (see NK003) was born in 1650. He married Mary, daughter of James Greene, and settled at Sand Hill. His second wife was Joanna… The 1978 survey found 11 fieldstone markers, three with footstones. There was also a granite base without headstone. In 1990, a number of fieldstone graves were present, but no granite base. (Genealogical information from Ancestors and descendants of William and Elizabeth Reynolds of North Kingstown, RI, by Thomas A & William A Reynolds, 1903.)
Recorded by Althea McAleer, Beatrix Hoffius, and Deby Nunes for a 1992 book on North Kingstown cemeteries. |
Condition | poor |
Enclosure | no enclosure |
Gate | no gate |
Growth | overgrown-weeds |
Terrain | hilly moderate |
Cemetery Location |
Cemetery Burial Map |