Cemetery Number | NK061 |
Cemetery Name | ANCIENT ALLEN LOT |
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Graves List | Display Graves List |
Location | 495 GILBERT STUART ROAD |
State | RI |
Direction | E |
Pole Number | 3957 |
Distance | 580 |
Map Number | |
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Deed Book | |
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Size in Feet | 30 |
Size in Feet | 35 |
Inscriptions | |
Fieldstones | |
Tombs | |
Exist? | YES |
Last seen date? | 2013 |
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Vandalism | |
Veteran | 0 |
Pole | P |
Comment | Gilbert Stuart Rd, in field behind #495, a large old farmhouse, the William Pierce farm. Burial yard lies 500' down a long driveway at the rear of the house. Clump of cedars in field on left marks lot. It is on a mound, some brush, many large animal holes, sign standing.
Arnold visited here on 5 April 1880, at that time on land of Peleg F. Pierce, west of his house and near wood, an ancient Allen burial yard, unprotected. At that time he was able to count 18 fieldstones, 3 rudely marked. Burgess, in the 1930's, has this note: On a knoll in a meadow, a dozen or more graves, all fieldstones, one of which bears the date 1745. Norman Isham told Burgess this place was the home of an Allen, who settled here after a quarrel at the homestead. Although he saw no markes in it Walter's daughter showed him what she said was another graveyard a few feet north of the first. It was probably for slaves. 1990: unable to do adequate survey due to animal dens.
Recorded by Althea McAleer, Beatrix Hoffius, and Deby Nunes for a 1992 book on North Kingstown cemeteries. |
Condition | very poor |
Enclosure | no enclosure |
Gate | |
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Cemetery Location |
Cemetery Burial Map |