Cemetery Number | LN021 |
Town | LINCOLN |
Cemetery Name | HENRY JENCKES LOT |
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State | RI |
Direction | W |
Pole Number | 83B |
Distance | 50 |
Map Number | |
Page Number | |
Plat Number | |
Deed Book | |
Deed Page | |
Size in Feet | 40 |
Size in Feet | 45 |
Inscriptions | 12 |
Fieldstones | |
Tombs | |
Exist? | YES |
Last seen date? | 2013 |
Newest | 2010 |
Oldest | 1799 |
Vandalism | N |
Veteran | |
Pole | G |
Comment | Located on the right as you enter Community College of Rhode Island.
Lot transcribed by Roger Beaudry on January 14, 1995. At time of survey lot
was in excellent condition and located at the entrance to Community College
of Rhode Island's Lincoln campus. The campus grounds crew obviously
maintain this lot. Dr Frank Calef transcribed in 1941 and lists it in his
work as Lot 28, on pages 100-101. He describes its location as:
"Continuing along the Pike, just before reaching the next fork in the
road. Is on the West side, close to the wall."
James N Arnold also transcibed lot on May 19, 1895. It is recorded in his
work in Volume 15, pages 5-6. He describes location of lot as follows:
"On the Daniel Jenckes farm north of the house, yard fenced with
granite posts and iron rails, in good order."
A further transcription was done by E. B. Shaw on page 134. She describes
location as:
"Graveyard on Smithfield Ave., near entrance to Lincoln Woods."
Ethel M White transcribed lot and described it as:
"Jenckes family - on Louisquisset Pike-Route 146-towards Woonsocket,
left side of road near 1st turn of rd to Lincoln Woods."
ditor's note: The Smithfield Ave entrance is on the opposite side of the
park from the actual location of this lot.
Transcribed by Ron Farrar who described lot as follows:
"Old Louisquisett Pike (146A), next to entrance to RI Junior College" |
Condition | excellent |
Enclosure | granite posts/iron rails |
Gate | iron gate |
Growth | grass-well kept |
Terrain | level |
Cemetery Location |
Cemetery Burial Map |