Cemetery Number | LN020 |
Town | LINCOLN |
Cemetery Name | GEORGE JENCKES LOT |
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State | RI |
Direction | N |
Pole Number | 24 |
Distance | 50 |
Map Number | |
Page Number | |
Plat Number | |
Deed Book | |
Deed Page | |
Size in Feet | 30 |
Size in Feet | 40 |
Inscriptions | 19 |
Fieldstones | |
Tombs | |
Exist? | YES |
Last seen date? | 2013 |
Newest | 1985 |
Oldest | 1858 |
Vandalism | N |
Veteran | |
Pole | F |
Comment | Transcribed by Roger Beaudry on January 21, 1995. At the time of this survey lot was in fair condition with only overgrown weeds and some downed iron rails to mar the beauty of the lot. A strange feature of this lot is that is is completely enclosed by posts and rails, there is no gate or opening to gain entrance. The downed iron rails may have been taken down to gain entrance for the recent burials. Another feature is the abundance of new burials in this lot. It appears that some of the older stones were also replaced with new granite stones.
Charles and Martha Benns transcribed lot and assigned it number 424. It can be found in Volume III page 353. They also list the following note:
"from Providence Journal May 24, 1935- "In Lincoln, May 22nd, Mary Elizabeth, widow of Rufus Jenckes, in her 95th year. Funeral services at the residence, Smith A Jenckes, Jenckes Hill Road, Saturday, May 25th, at 2:30 p.m.""
Ethel M White transcibed lot in the 1930's. She describes lot as "Rufus Jenckes homestead - signs - private grounds."
Dr Frank T Calef transcribed lot and assigned it Lot #21 and described it as:
"Just west of the Bradley place on the North side of the road."
His transcription can be found on page 55-56 of his work.
James N Arnold transcribed lot and it described it thus:
"On the Rufus Jenckes farm beside road, granite posts and iron rails, in fine order."
Transcription can be found in Volume 15, page 8.
Also in Volume 15 on page 135 can be found an additional survey by Emma B Shaw done in 1926. She describes lot as:
"Jenckes Hill on road (right hand side) going over the hill, past the Bradley Farm."
Transcribed by Ron Farrar who describes lot as follows:
"Jenckes Hill Road" |
Condition | good |
Enclosure | granite posts/iron rails |
Gate | gate missing |
Growth | overgrown-weeds |
Terrain | level |
Cemetery Location |
Cemetery Burial Map |