Cemetery Number | LN012 |
Town | LINCOLN |
Cemetery Name | GEORGE ALDRICH LOT |
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State | RI |
Direction | W |
Pole Number | 183 |
Distance | 415 |
Map Number | |
Page Number | |
Plat Number | |
Deed Book | |
Deed Page | |
Size in Feet | 46 |
Size in Feet | 27 |
Inscriptions | 8 |
Fieldstones | |
Tombs | |
Exist? | YES |
Last seen date? | 2015 |
Newest | 1891 |
Oldest | 1840 |
Vandalism | N |
Veteran | |
Pole | G |
Comment | Cemetery was surveyed by Roger Beaudry on January 8, 1995. This lot is adjacent to LN042, and at the time of this survey was in rather sad repair.
It is located in front of a private home, but is obviously not maintained by anyone. Many footstones had obviously been moved to be in line with headstones, in some cases quite a distance from their host headstones. A previous survey was done by Dr Frank Calef in 1941, who recorded it as LOT 10. His transcription can be found on pages 31-32 of his work. He described
lot as follows:
"At the north end of Limerock, 100 yards to the left of the Louisquisset Pike at the top of the hill."
Lot was also transcribed by Ethel White who described it as follows:
"Limerock - Herbert Harris Farm - Louisquisset Pike"
River Road Cemetery Volunteer Ken Postle and BVHS Vice President John Houghton have worked on documenting and recovering this cemetery starting in 2015….The foot stones have all been relocated carefully to their original positions and work will be done in warmer weather on epoxying the broken headstone back together. As of 1/3/16, only 1 foot stone is missing and the cemetery is considered recovered. The obelisk lists 4 people, but the wife and kids have headstones and burial plots to the left of it…Only the husband's grave is under the obelisk cenotaph….This is the original description of it-Cemetery 42 (Follett) was next to it marked by granite posts, but the bodies were removed around 1900 and it is just sunken, empty hollows.. |
Condition | poor |
Enclosure | granite posts |
Gate | gate missing |
Growth | overgrown-weeds |
Terrain | level |
Cemetery Location |
Cemetery Burial Map |